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HomeAppropriate Audience Behavior

Appropriate Audience Behavior

November 18, 2021

The Penn’s Village Players are back and performing the one-act play “Appropriate Audience Behavior,” by Ian McWethy.

It’s a “cleverly crafted play where the audience and actors become merged, and a sort of metaphysical experience takes place.” The play invites you to watch a performance of Hamlet with the worst audience in the world but, instead of watching Hamlet, you actually watch the audience. As two characters take their seats expecting a tale of woe, the real tragedy is that they're sitting next to the world's noisiest weirdos.

Appropriate Audience Behavior is a comedy that reminds us where drama belongs -- onstage.

Ian McWethy's plays include Bad Auditions by Bad Actors, The Internet Is Distract--OH LOOK A KITTEN!, Last Day of School, The Incomplete Life & Random Death of Molly Denholtz, and 12 Incompetent Jurors.

Forty of his one-act plays have been published by Playscripts, Inc. and Stage Partners, and have been performed over 5,000 times in all fifty states as well as internationally in over thirty different countries.